Now it’s time to pray for Willis’s daughter too! 😢🙏What a poor family! 😩 Read More
The fans’ hearts broke into thousands of pieces after the news about Tallulah! 💔😞
What happened to the girl and why is everyone so worried? 🤔🧐
To find out everything – see the article! 👇
While the whole world is praying for the legendary action movie star, we are afraid to say that it is time to pray for his daughter as well. As a reminder, Willis has been diagnosed with aphasia. The ailment is actively progressing and has already taken its toll on the prominent film legend.
His condition left him no choice but to put an end to his drizzling career. Bruce has even ceased to recognize most of his relatives and friends and is believed to have little time left. The family always surrounds him with love, warmth and affection often sharing the news and exclusive photos.
However, their daughter’s health condition has become more pronounced and caused concerns among the family members. Their focus is now on her mental health condition. The whole thing D. Moore revealed that her daughter started to suffer anorexia three months after her father’s life-threatening diagnosis.
«Bruce saw her withering away, and that only exacerbated his own problems. He was shaken to see Tallulah’s suffering».
The girl has revealed that she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. The fans pray for Tallulah and hope that her sufferings will soon come to an end and she will receive support and professional help.